Friday, December 17, 2010

The Tokyo 5

Austin, Josh, Kamilla, Brittany & Ben make up the Tokyo 5.
A group of truly amazing martial artists who after years of training
came to the point where we just had to take them to Japan.

They had 3 objectives on their journey:

1. Have an amazing cultural experience.

2. Pass their Shodan Exam at the Hombu.

3. Present themselves well at the Annual Nakamura Ryu Taikai.

Irie Soke visits Lancaster

The Shindenkan Dojo was very fortunate to have Soke Irie Yasuhiro
out again to share his KoKoDo Jujutsu with us.

Some were less "fortunate" than others.

All in all, it was AMAZING!

2010 Tanren Camp

This years Tanren Camp was a blast! The Dojo is blessed with some amazing kids.
We spent the week working on various Japanese Arts like Kendo, Kyudo, Judo, Shodo and other weapon and empty handed arts.

California Poppy Festival

Every year Lancaster City Park hosts the California Poppy Festival
and this year we were invited to demonstrate our martial arts and of course
everyone wanted to see swords cutting.

Since we had the entire day and our own dedicated area for our demonstrations
we made use of our time and space to squeeze in a lot of practice sessions.

Here we are preparing to demonstrate Toyama Ryu which
is the fundamental set of Nakamura Ryu.

We had a great time showing our community the arts we love.

Next year I will remember the sunscreen!

Every Five Years

Only once every five years does Japan host a worldwide Taikai.
Here's a shot of the yudansha from the event.

After two days of intensive training, and a day of sight seeing in Nikko, we gathered in Omiya for the annual Shihan ceremony and formal banquet.

One of the sights was a giant waterfall that was seriously too tall to capture in one frame. Especially when people kept posing in front of it like we did.

Here we are all gathered on the steps of Toshogu Shrine.

This Shrine is famous for the three monkeys, "Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil."
If you look carefully behind the big monkeys, you can see the original monkeys on the top left.

Our dojo had a great turn out for this event.
Here we are all pictured with Irie Soke.
Including Ashley with her busted shoulder from one of the throws that was taught the day before.

We can't wait till 2015 when the taikai will be hosted in Kyoto.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Tucson Taikai 2010

Carl Jenkins performing Seito Toho number one.
Jenkins Sensei took first place in this event and it's obvious why.
His kata is flawless.

Women's Self Defense

The class we take the most serious is Women's Self Defense.  
The statistics are staggering and at the dojo we teach Women's Self Defense twice a week to ensure that none of the woman we come in contact with become one.

We cover serious scenarios such as knife defense, rape, and multiple attackers.

We would like to thank again those brave enough (or crazy enough) 
to put on this suit and take a beating.

Women's Self Defense classes are held Monday nights from 6-7pm and 
Saturday afternoons from 12-1pm.

Fort Bragg

Here's a shot from our last trip to Fort Bragg where we again trained soldiers in CQB (Close Quarter Battle).  I had an unfair advantage with my RPG.

Here's a short clip of some of the action.